Worth It
Australian Unity
Coverage you don’t use. Value you can’t see. People hitting their thirties see health insurance a little differently. Our first major campaign for Australian Unity's health insurance stares down questions of value by showing how health insurance is “Worth it” for the life you lead.
“Research indicates that many young adults perceive health insurance as unnecessary because they consider themselves healthy, " - Australian Unity.
Australian Unity addresses the perceptions of value by introducing health insurance that is extremely useful, whether that’s for one-off occasions or the everyday. Essential Choice is a cover tailored to young adults for whom health insurance can be a minefield. It has coverage that this group is likely to utilise, at a value that reflects their lifestyle.
Whether it’s living large ‘limboing’ at your bestie’s 30th, or finally winning a game of ping pong against dad - life is all about living it. That’s “Worth it” - our campaign highlights the practicality of Australian Unity's health insurance by connecting the moments where cover has your back with benefits you’ll actually use.

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