“Real Wellbeing: Balance Your Being”- The Royals’ first major campaign Australian Unity
Posted Wednesday 9 October, 2024
Fill in the blanks:
Work life _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ act
_ _ _ _ the books
We all need to find balance - whether we recognise it or not. We need to balance our being.
“Real Wellbeing: Balance Your Being,” is The Royals’ first major brand campaign for Australian Unity, reinforcing the Real Wellbeing proposition for their health, wealth and care services.
Set back/come back.
The through the line campaign weaves together the everyday facets of life that need balancing, highlighting the powerful tensions we find ourselves managing on any given day.
Andrew Siwka, Managing Partner at The Royals said: “This was a rare opportunity to tell the story of Australian Unity’s 180 year history of helping Australians achieve greater wellbeing in their day to day lives and we are incredibly proud of how we have delivered a campaign about life’s great balancing act.”

Australian Unity, in partnership with Deakin University, has tracked the wellbeing of Australians through the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index for over 20 years. The research has found that the balancing act looks very different for Australians across their life course.
“The work leverages the fundamental truth that life is a constant juggling act. Whether that be balancing work and life, saving and spending, our need for care and the desire to be free. Finding more equilibrium in our lives is key to achieving Real Wellbeing” said D’arne Buckley, Head of Brand & Content at Australian Unity.
In partnership with Initiative, the campaign also includes online and social executions and multiple OOH placements that help to connect back to the different products and services Australian Unity provides.
Take a look at the full case study on our Work page.